- Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet$51.26$56.95Sale
- Here's to You by Teleflora$62.96$69.95Sale
- Zen Artistry$51.26$56.95Sale
- Teleflora's Green Light$42.26$46.95Sale
- Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet$42.26$46.95Sale
- Money Tree$51.26$56.95Sale
- Paradise Found$60.26$66.95Sale
- Make a Wish$36.86$40.95Sale
- Garden Parade$53.96$59.95Sale
- Fresh Birthday Flowers$43.95
- Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday Blooms$46.76$51.95Sale
- Always on My Mind$67.46$74.95Sale
- Paradise Palm$62.96$69.95Sale
- Teleflora's Bee Well Bouquet$51.26$56.95Sale
- Joyful Roses and Daisies$51.26$56.95Sale
- A Dozen Premium Red Roses$78.26$86.95Sale
- Teleflora's Hooray for Birthday$42.26$46.95Sale
- Sunny Sunflowers$46.76$51.95Sale
- Blazing Sunshine$73.76$81.95Sale
- Birthday Fireworks$58.46$64.95Sale
- Teleflora's Lavender Sunset Bouquet$42.26$46.95Sale
- Teleflora's Sunflower Splash$69.26$76.95Sale
- Teleflora’s Birthday Celebration!$51.26$56.95Sale
- Field of Roses$127.76$141.95Sale
- Teleflora's Sunny Birthday Present$51.26$56.95Sale
For Him
Surprise him with a stunning arrangement of A Dozen Red Roses. This classic gesture has traditionally been given to a woman by a man, but on your anniversary why not shake up certain gender expectations? He will be thrilled by your romantic commitment and your passionate intentions.
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