Giving Flowers

Birthday Gift Guide


With so many wonderful fresh flower arrangements, bouquets, plants, and gift baskets available, sometimes there can seem to be too many excellent, inexpensive and high quality choices. To simplify your selection process and provide some ideas and direction for your gift giving convenience we’ve developed this guide to assist you make the choice that is perfect for your special occasion.

When we celebrate a birthday we are celebrating the unique life and personality of that very special person. Fresh flower arrangements and bouquets also have their own singular personality and style. Finding the right flower birthday gift is as easy as matching the radiance and texture of a flower or plant to communicate the accomplishments, desires, and dreams of the birthday recipient. We makes this process easier with our varied selection of beautiful, dramatic, and even humorous birthday gifts. Our gifts are always high quality, fresh, and affordable. And our quick delivery means you are never too late to send a great gift.

Is the lucky birthday recipient charming and sophisticated? Excitable and dramatic? Perhaps they are well known for being unpredictable and spontaneous. Flowers also contain these characteristics and are excellent at communicating your appreciation of these qualities in your friend or loved one. Flowers have the unique ability to express your keen observations in beautiful ways.

For those with a strong utilitarian drive or even just a more practical side, consider one of our long lasting plants. With a minimum of care, these beautiful and exotic houseplants will last a long time and be continuing reminder of the special day. Or else consider flowers as part of one of our flower gift baskets. Even after the beauty of the floral arrangement fades, there will also be many great gifts that will last.

A more dramatic and exhilarating gift might just be one of our gorgeous traditional floral bouquets. Containing the freshest, most radiant roses, tulips, orchids, lilies and other radiant flowers with traditional meanings and beauty. These bouquets bring amazing light and energy to all who gaze upon them.

The playful ones will appreciate one of our more lighthearted arrangements. Perhaps a stuffed animal and flower bouquet or one of our shining mylar balloons. Or else consider an unconventional bouquet, possibly featuring our shiny and radiant sunflowers or brilliantly colored daisies. Or even mix a plant with a delicious fruit basket.

And for the austere, studious type that appreciates uncharacteristic beauty and unique style, consider the understated power and quiet beauty of a gentle orchid, the slender grace of a calla lily, or the one of a kind beauty of gladiolas. We have a wide selection of unusual and absolutely gorgeous flowers from all over the world. All of these flowers are available for quick and convenient delivery.

Children of all ages will love the unexpected birthday surprise of an imaginative and fun flower arrangement. Daughters, sons, nephews, nieces, even that reliable babysitter down the block or the neighbor that mows your lawn or delivers your newspapers. While we don’t usually consider flowers for kids’ birthdays, the light and color of fresh flowers will certainly surprise and delight.

We have done our part to design fun gifts for kids. We’ve turned cars and trucks into gift arrangements. We’ve also combined stuffed animals with fresh flowers so that children can enjoy the immediate flash and radiance of a floral arrangement but still have a long lasting toy with which to remember your presence in their birthday celebration. Our happy-face mug adds a light hearted touch and then can be used to store pens and pencils and crayons. Children will really appreciate your thoughtfulness, attentiveness, and imagination on their birthday. To top off the perfect birthday arrangement, choose one of our mylar balloons that bring attention and whimsy to the exciting birthday festivities.

Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet

If just thinking of someone causes you to smile, consider sending them this cheerful and joyful smiling mug bursting with the exuberance of white and yellow daisies. This arrangement is sure to bring a giant grin to whomever gazes its way. Sending these beautiful flowers in our smiling, can’t help but be happy mug, is the closest thing to sending a hug.

More Details Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet

Birthday Celebration

Watching someone unwrap a thrilling present is priceless. There is that great moment when the person’s hands are thrown into the air and their face lights up with excitement. It is an infectious gesture, a thrill that resonates through everyone. This stunning arrangement, brimming with luminous carnations, chrysanthemums, and delphiniums, explodes with that same sudden delight. The colorful ribbons bring even more action and color to the arrangement as it bursts out its celebratory birthday message. Sending this amazing arrangement of fresh flowers and bright ribbons is like sending a whole birthday party.

More Details Birthday Celebration

And Many More

One of our most popular birthday arrangements, this delightful and expertly crafted flower arrangement looks so much like a piece of cake you’ll have to warn the lucky birthday recipient not to eat these scrumptious looking flowers. Two layers of lavender flowers are sandwiched around white blossoms that resemble butter cream frosting. Fresh pink flowers line the top of the cake arrangement and real candles form symmetrical columns. Chrysanthemums and carnations are the materials used in this amazing and charming birthday arrangement which is as beautiful as it is appealing. Every birthday should be fun, delicious, and memorable. This one of a kind fresh flower arrangement does its part.

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