- Teleflora's Sincere Serenity$107.96$119.95Sale
- Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet$69.26$76.95Sale
- Ocean Breeze Spray$145.76$161.95Sale
- White Garden$53.96$59.95Sale
- Bunch Of Love Bouquet$85.46$94.95Sale
- Teleflora's Garden of Serenity Bouquet$103.46$114.95Sale
- Basket of Faith$55.76$61.95Sale
- Beautiful in Blue$55.76$61.95Sale
- Azalea Attraction Garden Basket$60.26$66.95Sale
- Sentimental Gladioli Spray$69.26$76.95Sale
- Celebration of Life Standing Spray$118.76$131.95Sale
- Lavender Chrysanthemum$53.06$58.95Sale
- Pastel Dreams$64.76$71.95Sale
- Sentiments of Serenity Spray$123.26$136.95Sale
- Gentle Thoughts Spray$82.76$91.95Sale
- Peaceful Garden Spray$152.96$169.95Sale
- Pastel Dreams with Angel$114.26$126.95Sale
- Loving Heart Tribute$118.76$131.95Sale
- Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet$69.26$76.95Sale
- Gentle Thoughts Spray$82.76$91.95Sale
- Most Memorable Tribute$91.76$101.95Sale
- Sacred Duty Spray$132.26$146.95Sale
- Circle of Peace$105.26$116.95Sale
- Blue Hydrangea$69.26$76.95Sale
- Teleflora's Quiet Expressions$73.76$81.95Sale
Learn More About Sympathy & Funeral Flowers for the service
For the Service
Funeral Sprays
If you are unable to attend a memorial service, or if you wish to accentuate your personal message of support and love, funeral flower arrangements and funeral sprays express the inexpressible. Our funeral flower arrangements are designed with a poetic touch in order to convey the wide array of emotions expressed during this difficult time.
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