- Be My Love$51.26$56.95Sale
- Pretty Please$37.76$41.95Sale
- Heart and Soul$46.76$51.95Sale
- Blue Horizons$55.76$61.95Sale
- Radiantly Red Tulips$44.96$49.95Sale
- Cupid's Creation by Teleflora$96.26$106.95Sale
- Lavish Love$73.76$81.95Sale
- Dreaming Of Roses Bouquet$64.76$71.95Sale
- Teleflora's Fall in Love$42.26$46.95Sale
- Always on My Mind$67.46$74.95Sale
- Birthday Fireworks$58.46$64.95Sale
- Fiery Lily and Rose$62.96$69.95Sale
- Large Sunshine and Smiles$105.26$116.95Sale
- Teleflora's Sunflower Splash$69.26$76.95Sale
- Dance with Me$49.46$54.95Sale
- Tantalizing Tulips Bouquet by Teleflora$55.76$61.95Sale
- Birthday Balloon Bouquet$69.26$76.95Sale
- Teleflora's Pure Inspiration Bouquet$55.76$61.95Sale
- A Dozen Premium Red Roses$78.26$86.95Sale
- Always a Lady$71.96$79.95Sale
- Tempting Tulips$56.66$62.95Sale
- Small Sunshine and Smiles$55.76$61.95Sale
- Birthday Bliss$62.96$69.95Sale
- True Love Tulips$107.96$119.95Sale
- Winter White Tulips$70.16$77.95Sale