Seasonal Flowers, Plants & Gifts For Any Occasion. 10% Off Sitewide Code: HARVEST Applied. Order By 3pm For Same Day Delivery

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  1. Pretty Please
    Pretty Please
  2. Cotton Candy
    Cotton Candy
  3. How Sweet It Is
    How Sweet It Is
  4. Perfectly Pastel Bouquet
    Perfectly Pastel Bouquet
  5. Daisy Daydreams
    Daisy Daydreams
  6. Teleflora's Morning Melody
    Teleflora's Morning Melody
  7. Everlasting Lavender
    Everlasting Lavender
  8. Rose Medley
    Rose Medley
  9. Always a Lady
    Always a Lady
  10. Precious In Purple Bouquet
    Precious In Purple Bouquet
  11. Make a Wish
    Make a Wish
  12. Amber Roses
    Amber Roses
  13. Dreaming Of Roses Bouquet
    Dreaming Of Roses Bouquet
  14. Daisy Dreams Basket
    Daisy Dreams Basket
  15. Teleflora's Simply Sweet
    Teleflora's Simply Sweet
  16. White Roses and Lilies
    White Roses and Lilies
  17. Sunny Yellow Tulips
    Sunny Yellow Tulips
  18. Stratford Gardens
    Stratford Gardens
  19. Teleflora's Fragrance Vase
    Teleflora's Fragrance Vase
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Mother's Day

Once a year we take the time to honor the person who looks after us every day of our life. Of course, we can't express our gratitude for all she's done for us in just one day. But we can take the time to make her feel a little extra special. This mother's day, lavish her and let her know that you appreciate all she's done for you by sending her fresh mother's day flowers she will cherish.

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